If you want to know what your rights are at work and get legal help, we invite you to attend the “10th Latin American Labor Rights Week 2017” that the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago is organizing in collaboration with all Latin American consulates and Caribbean, Federal and State Government agencies, as well as law firms and workers’ organizations, from August 19 to September 1 at 8:30 a.m. At 1:00 p.m. At the Consulate facilities located at 204 S. Ashland Ave. Chicago, IL. 60607.
(Podcast is in Spanish)
Participate in this program of “El Consulado a tu Lado” José Rivero, specialist in labor accidents, Famworkers & Landscaper Advocacy Project,
Karina Ayala, Human Trafficking specialist, Metropolitan Family Services Chicago, Saraí Jarquín, Department of Protection, Consulmex Chicago and Luis Adrián Sosa, Press Attaché, Consulmex Chicago.
Host: Salvador España.