Hispanic Public Media

"Compartiendo la Cultura de la Inmensa Minoría"

Compartiendo la Cultura de la
Inmensa Minoría

About Us

In the year 2000, a group of entrepreneurs based in Chicago came together with the aim of creating a Spanish-speaking public radio station, to share and impact art, culture,
la música y transmitir noticias de alta calidad a la comunidad latina local.

Con el tiempo esta sociedad evolucionó, y hoy se han unido con un alto compromiso y colaboración dinámica, Radio UNAM, Canal 22 Internacional, Radio Francia Internacional y la Fundación de Medios Públicos de Habla Hispana (Hispanic Public Media Foundation).

HPM's programs reach Latinos in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Peru, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Brazil, France, Spain, the Netherlands, the Caribbean, the Canary Islands, Equatorial Guinea and more.

Board Members

Roberto Ramirez

Founder/President CEO, Hispanic Public Media Foundation

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Kalman Resnick

Immigration Lawyer, ShareholderHughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym., Ltd.

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Noemi Conaway

Nurse Certified in Diabetes Care Education Specialist

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Regional Executive Director, OH & IL Center for Broadcasting Public Affairs/Outreach

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CEO Lexiconnectworks.com

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Ramiro Atristain

Financial Advisor, Atristain Advisors

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Luz María Sánchez

Scholar, Writer, Educator & Award Winning Artist

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Eduardo Matos Moctezuma

Premier Mexican Archeologist The first series to be named for a Mexican citizen in Harvard University’s 400 year history.

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Dr. Sid L Mohn

Former President, Heartland Alliance

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Henry O. Hernandez, III

Co-Founder and 1st President, National Society of Hispanic MBAs

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Fred Siegman

Founder, Siegman Consulting Services

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Nuestros Socios

HPM produce programas de noticias, entrevistas, música y entretenimiento a través de su red de socios internacionales, que incluyen:

  • Radio Francia Internacional
  • Radio UNAM
  • Insituto Mexicano de la Radio
  • Radio Nacional España
  • Red de Radios Universitarias del Ecuador
  • Radio Zacatecas
  • Red de Radios Universitarias de Latino America y el Caribe
  • Radio Canada International
  • Radio Nicolaita
  • Radio Educación